STARTING: Monday, Sept. 11, 2023, at Noon
INSPECTION: Thursday, Sept. 14, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
ENDING: TWO NIGHT END! Part 1 ends Monday, Sept. 18, and Part 2 ends Tuesday, Sept. 19 – both start closing at 6:00 with 25 seconds between each lot & a 2 min. soft close. (If you are not familiar with a soft close or how to bid on an online auction, please call for an explanation.)
PICKUP (By appointment): Thursday, Sept. 21 & Friday morning, Sept 22
Location: N4461 Tozer Lake Rd, Spooner, WI – from Hwy 63 just south of Spooner, turn right onto Lonestar Rd and go approx. 1 mi to stop sign, turn right onto Tozer Lake Rd, go ¼ mi to above address.
GUNS, AMMO: Appr. 150 guns, just to mention a few: Winchester Mod. 1886 45-90 WCF, Winchester 40-90 SS, ARMI Sport 45/70, Winchester Lever Action 10 ga., Winchester Pigeon Grade Extra 12 ga., Winchester Mod. 94 25-35 SCF, Win. Mod. 43 22 Hornet, Win. 1894 30-30, Rifles, Shot Guns & Handguns; Lots of ammo; Reloading equipment; Canon Scout 45 Gun Safe
FISHING, HUNTING, OUTDOORS: Lots of Vintage Fishing Rods, Reels & Lures; Old Boat Motors; Old Town Saranac 160 Canoe; Golden Hawk Square Stern Canoe; Hunting Clothes; Camping Supplies; Propane Cookers; Lots More!
MACHINIST EQUIPMENT & TOOLS: Jet Vertical Milling Machine JTM-2; Bridgeport Series I Milling Machine M-105K; Roll-In Band Saw; Mascote High Precision Lathe; Craftsman Metal Shop Lathe; Shopmaster Press; Lots of machinist specialty tools & materials
HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES: Up-North Décor; Bedroom Furnishings; Large Collection of Hall “Jewel Tea” & More; Many Griswold Pans; New & Vintage Kitchenware; Deer, Grouse & Fish Mounts; Many Deer Antlers; Rustic Old Tools; Wash tubs; Wagon wheels; Ammo crates
ALSO: Large amount of Aged, Cut/Split Firewood; Assorted Craft Wood
NOTE: Estate of George Coleman. This is a very brief listing of the many great items on auction. Guns will be available for showing on preview day only and are being safely stored OFF LOCATION except for preview & pick-up days. Be sure to attend and inspect items for yourself on preview day. Due to the size of this sale, a 2-night close is necessary, so be sure to look at both auction nights for Coleman.
To check out this auction, go to:
Terms: 10% Buyer’s fee.
5.5% WI sales tax where applicable.
Payment Method: Cash, good checks, PayPal, & credit/debit card, (4% additional fee on credit/debit.)
Sale Conducted by:
Kubarek Auction & Estate Services
11146 N Risberg Rd, Hayward WI 54843
715-558-3352 (Bonnie) or 715-558-5238 (Susan – Office)
Registered WI Auctioneers Bonnie and Ron Kubarek
Licenses # 1838 and #1839