Bidding Opens: Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, Noon
Preview/Inspection: Friday, Oct. 16, Noon to 6 p.m.
Sale Ending: First Part closes Monday, Oct. 19, 6 p.m. and Second Part closes Tuesday, Oct. 20, 6.p.m. with a soft close (If you are not familiar with a soft close, please call for an explanation.)
Pickup (By appointment): Wednesday, Oct. 21 & Thursday, Oct. 22.
LOCATION: 41905 Namekagon River Rd, Cable, WI. From Hayward, take Hwy 63 north 14 miles to Leonard School Rd and turn left, go ½ mile to Namekagon River Rd and turn right, go approx. 1 mile to address.
VEHICLES: 2003 Hummer H2, 6L; 2012 Ford Fusion SEL; 1990 Toyota SR22 4X4 truck.
4–WHEELERS, SNOWMOBILE, MOTORCYCLE: 2012 Polaris Razor4-800 (Robby Gordon Edition); 2014 Polaris Ranger XP900; 2000 Yamaha 700 Triple V-Max Deluxe sled; 1976 Yamaha DOHC 500; ATV jack; Cycle helmets.
TRAVEL TRAILERS: 2006 Hornet 33FLDS w/2 slide-outs; 1990 Jayco Sportster Series 9 ½ ft. slide-in p/u camper, HD trailer dolly, New.
HUNTING, FISHING, SPORTING: GUNS: JC Higgens Mod. 58319 20 ga. Bolt; Military Mauser 7.92/8mm cal. w/sight; .22 Cal. Air rifle; Marlin 12 ga. Wall hanger; Iver Johnson Mod. 55 .22 revolver, rough; Grumman alum. Canoe; Vintage OB motors; New Eskimo gas ice auger; St. Croix Magna-Flex rod; Fishing tackle; Huge amount of reloading supplies; Hunting knives; Binoculars; Gun scopes; Duck calls & decoys; Wood duck houses; Snowshoes; Camping gear; Hunting/outdoor clothing; Ground blinds; 2-person tree stand; Archery Deer & Bear targets; Golf club sets; (2) New mountain bikes; New “All in One” Gas smoker/Grill/Fryer; Weber table top LP gas grill; New Weber char-coal grills; LOTS MORE!
BAR SIGNS, NOVELTIES, COMMERCIAL KITCHEN: Neon beer signs; Beer & Liquor lighted signs, mirrors & metal signs, canoe paddles; Beer glasses & steins; Jim Beam Decanters; Commercial 5’ stainless 3 compartment sink; Hobart meat slicer; Keg fridge; Much more.
TOOLS, SHOP & YARD: JD 47 snow-blower attach. for lawn tractor; JD 48” grass catcher setup; JD estate fertilizer spreader; Honda 1000 generator; Homelite 4400 generator; Woodworking equipment including: Lathe, port. Planer, Slide compound miter, Band & scroll saws, Bench grinder, Bench grinder, Belt sanders; Assorted power & hand tools; Automotive shop metal cabinets; Misc. automotive, electrical & plumbing; Assorted lumber piles; Yard tools and more!
HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: John Boos Butcher block; Mission oak drop-front desk; Vintage painted benches; 10 gal. Western crock; Old kitchen gadgets; Vintage tools; Telemark Lodge items including a brass bar rail; Vintage Lombard L30 chainsaw; LP record albums; Vintage electronics; Stereo’s; Nice north woods décor; Rustic furnishings; Christmas décor; Washer & Dryer; bedding, games, etc.
NOTE: This is a large sale, and we are still working on set up. If the lots exceed 700, it may be necessary to end it over 2 nights, so please watch for auction updates. Plan to attend the preview, there is so much to see. Masks are still mandatory for preview & pickup.
To check out this auction, go to:
Terms: 10% Buyer’s fee.
Payment Method: Cash, good checks, PayPal, & credit/debit card, (4% additional fee on credit/debit.)
5.5% Sales Tax Applies to All Items on This Auction
Sale Conducted by:
Kubarek Auction & Estate Services
11146 N Risberg Rd, Hayward WI 54843
715-558-3352 (Bonnie) or 715-558-5238 (Susan – Office)
Registered WI Auctioneers Bonnie and Ron Kubarek
Licenses # 1838 and #1839