STARTING: Monday, Sept. 5, 2022, at Noon
INSPECTION: Friday, Sept. 9, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
ENDING: Monday, Sept. 12, 6 p.m. with 25 seconds between each lot & a 2 min. soft close. (If you are not familiar with a soft close or how to bid on an online auction, please call for an explanation.)
PICKUP (By appointment): Wednesday, Sept. 14
Location: From Hayward, WI take Hwy 77 East 15 miles to Cty Rd A and turn right, go approx. 2 miles and turn left onto W Moose Lake Rd, go 5 miles to Hwy S and turn left, go ½ mile and turn right onto N Moose Lake Rd, go 1 ½ miles and turn left onto Forest Circle Drive, go to 10594N Forest Circle Dr. BOATS +: Custom made 9’ Tugboat replica, totally water worthy, with custom made trailer; 14’ Alum. resort boat; Mercury 6hp/4stroke OBM; Vintage boat oars; Boating misc. TRUCK: 2011 Honda Ridgeline 4 door p/u truck, 151k miles, runs well. YARD & GARDEN: Cub Cadet HDS 2185 riding mower w/Snow-blower attachment; Chainsaws; Yard tools; Gardening supplies; Bird feeders; Yard Décor; Patio furniture TOOLS & MISC.: Kennedy rolling tool cabinet; Assorted hand tools; Air & Power tools; Jet floor mod. Bandsaw; HD Floor jack; Rolling shop shelving; Much more!
FISHING, SPORTING: Many fishing rods & tackle; Many vintage lures; Old wicker creels; Snowshoes; Snowboards; Coolers; Snowshoes; Snowmobile/Winter clothing; Gas auger; Hunting clothing; Tree stands; Traeger Pellet Smoker; Large scale RC Airplanes & More.
HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES: Oak King bedroom suite; Log queen bed; Awesome Sponge Bob bed; Maple crib; Red metal twin/full bunk bed; Old Hickory rocker & coffee table; Up-north décor; Large round dining table with 6 chairs; Many antique furnishings; Nice old glassware; Old crocks; pottery; Vintage stereo equipment; Many 70s Rock record albums; Gold/Silver/Costume jewelry; Birkie Pins; Vintage sports memorabilia; Old toys; Holiday décor; Vintage bikes; So much more!
NOTE: Plan to attend the inspection day and look things over for yourself, there’s lots to see. This is a very partial listing. The Tugboat and Mercury OBM are located at a different location, the address for the boat will be listed in the description.
To check out this auction, go to:
Terms: 10% Buyer’s fee.
5.5% WI sales tax where applicable.
Payment Method: Cash, good checks, PayPal, & credit/debit card, (4% additional fee on credit/debit.)
Sale Conducted by:
Kubarek Auction & Estate Services
11146 N Risberg Rd, Hayward WI 54843
715-558-3352 (Bonnie) or 715-558-5238 (Susan – Office)
Registered WI Auctioneers Bonnie and Ron Kubarek
Licenses # 1838 and #1839